So, you are the proud owner of an Instagram page and have amassed quite a following — but your engagement levels don't reflect the same numbers.

You want something that'll help get it out of its dismal state. Enter Instagram polls: They just might be your saving grace.

media update's Saads Abrahams gives a breakdown on polls and how to get that boost in engagement.

First, let's take a look at what an Instagram poll is.

It's an interactive sticker that can be added when creating an Instagram story. You can use polls in different ways, but the most common approach is the simple "yes or no" option.

Now creating a poll seems simple enough, but the challenge comes in deciding what poll to create because it needs to be relevant and interesting enough so that people would want to engage with you.

This is the beauty of the polls because not only can they give valuable insights from your audience, but they are also a fun interactive form of content that is a sure way to get your followers engaging.

Types of polls

There are multiple formats that can be used when creating a poll. Each is unique and gives you the answers that you are searching for. So, let's take a look at some of these:

This or that polls

Creating a 'this or that' poll is a great way to get your audience thinking. Creating this type of poll can be used in multiple ways — depending on what you are after.

If the goal is to see what packaging your clients like best, a picture of them can be posted so that they can choose between the two, giving you engagement and insight on which to pick.

Emoji slider polls

Everyone loves a good emoji. And using them in polls adds a bit of pizazz (insert spirit fingers here) and just creates a less serious tone overall.

It is important to remember that this doesn't give a definitive answer to a question, but rather gives a 'more or less' answer.

For example, if you were to ask your followers what they think of a new logo design, you can add an in-love emoji. Your followers can then drag the emoji to the end of the line — meaning they completely love it — or move it just a little bit expressing that they don't like it that much.

This is a great way to get insights in a more fun and creative way.

Yes or no polls

'Yes or no' polls are very straightforward and don't require much thinking from the followers' side. These are the quickest way to get a bit of insight on how your followers might feel about something, but it is still being done in a fun and creative way.

For example, you could ask followers if they like your new website. Depending on how they answer, the feedback can give you direct enlightenment as to how they are feeling.

Would you rather polls

The 'would you rather' polls give followers the opportunity to decide between two different scenarios. Now out of all the poll ideas, this is one of the more engaging options.

This poll idea is seen as incredibly interactive because it requires the viewer to make a decision. And these can be useful to almost any business to get insights on how your followers feel about something.

As an example, ask your followers, "Would you rather shop on a website or shop on a mobile app?" A question like this can give insight if a brand or company should invest in a mobile app only or just an e-commerce site … or perhaps even both.

There are many different ways that brands, companies or individuals can make use of polls. Polls are meant to boost engagement in a fun way, so keep in mind that not only can you make use of them from a business point of view to get public insights, but you can also use polls to get people interacting with your page in a fun and creative way.

Have you made use of Instagram polls? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Do you want to find out more ways to boost your engagement on your social platforms? Then check out these Four ways to boost engagement on your posts [Infographic].
*Image courtesy of Canva, Unsplash and Instagram.